New Year New Me?

Okay… so this is the first blog post of 2018!!

Just like everyone else I’m going to have a little reminisce of 2017. 2017 was amazing to say the very least! It started a little rocky so I’m going to say that my year began around march.

It was definitely a year I will look back on and be proud of myself for  being selfish with my time and working on myself from the inside out. It really does work! I focused a lot on the gym and not only for physical benefits, but mentally I feel on top of the world. To be able to exercise discipline of the mind and body has been something I’ve completely fallen in love with.

I was able to holiday with my parents not once, but twice! (thank you I am forever grateful). I graduated with a 2:1, went to Ibiza, and met the most amazing people ever and life long friends! Finally to top the year off, I got myself a big girl job, working 9-5 as a digital marketer. I was able to spend Christmas with my family and friends away from the retail industry. YESSSSSSSS!!!

The space in between Christmas and New Year, which I like to call the ‘festive limbo’, is always something I’ve never been able to participate in with working in retail but this time I took full advantage of it. Partied most nights, ate around 7 Christmas dinners and drank myself into wine comas. According to this I believe my Christmas was a success. Dancing around the kitchen to Abba “Alexa play Abba!”  with my Gran, while bobbing about with Santa hats on , a glass of bubbly in hand.

So to start on a  fresh page of 2018 I have not made any crazy New Year resolutions, so it will most definitely not be a ‘New Year New Me’ scenario. However, I have pledged to (attempt) Dry January as all the festivities have took their tole after consuming my body weight on a daily basis in red wine, prosecco and of course, all the left over turkey which was happily stuffed into sandwiches. Oh and not forgetting the Baileys coffee which will forever be my favorite caffeinated pick-me-up.

Just like many of us, the January blues are already kicking in hard and its a time to recharge, focus,  and try to rid some of that Christmas bulge. While regretting all the money spent on booze with nothing to show for it other than the beer belly and blurry memories. But hey, at least we are all in the same boat!

I have also discovered that techno is ruining my life and I need to go back to listening to R&B. Now it starts with going out for “sophisticated cocktails” and ending up at The Boilershop on Laing’s shoulders with gimp mask on. <—- Was the best night though!

Will I be able to leave techno behind? Absolutely not, I plan on Ibiza adventures again this year. ITS GUNNA GO OFF!

I can’t wait to see what can be achieved and explored in 2018, if it follows on from last year, the only way is up!